It's all a corrupt and extremely cynical leftist political spectacle designed to convince fence sitting independents that Trump MUST NOT be ALLOWED into the Oval Office again. So it just depends if those so-called 'political independents' are going to be as easily fooled again by BLATANT leftist political propaganda as they were so very easily fooled in 2020.
Time will tell if they have learned anything at all by having been played for drooling mental idiots by the Dem Party leadership and the fanatically leftist loyal mainstream media the first time around.
Yes . . . but again, accepting the blatantly obvious that's staring them in the face, wholly depends on the individual citizen having a functioning brain and the concept of ethics, honor, and integrity; not to mention being in possession of a spine.
They claim to be honest... want to have an honest debate... then they refuse to view your evidence... and when you block them they whine you don't want to debate and call you a Russian troll... LOL