My fish is coming to assimilate you into the school of geese. Mijn antwoord is eenden op je gezicht. Jij hebt het ei, dus de ganzen en eenden komen voor jou. de eenden hebben zwaarden en schilden en de ganzen hebben bommen en lansen. ze willen je dood. Het is niet goed, dus je moet over het water en de aarde naar nieuw land gaan, zodat eenden en ganzen je niet zien en je doden. Be quick or be dead. hooha. God burns evil with his divine glory. The rooster crows as the king comes. One King, King of the whole world. When the peal of thunder sounds, rise. Be of good spirit, the just comes. The blooded hand opens for the dove. He is as He is glory eternal. The man kneels before the one Man. The ethereal is one with the material. Adversarial forces whimper against the brilliant light. He guards His children as they permit. Life is eternal with The Kings grace. He is the sword and the shield. The power is in Him and His. All are of Him if they will. Madness is the absence of His spirit. Evil is the absence of His essence. Draw The sWORD as you will. Mould your spirit to hold the water. His hands mould the clay we are. We choose our quality and our purpose. His hand is the only one worthy. Compose yourself of sturdy matter for firing. Ensure no hollow forms in your essense. Temper your spirit with the spirit eternal. The King comes with His kingdom just. The hunger cannot be sated with material. The hunger fades only with His spirit. He is the eternal heart we hear. The thunder sounds eternally quiet but resounding. The beat with care can be found. It echoes eternally around, His word abounds.