Do you ever ask yourself, why is it that they make these bombshell statements, but never provide the proof? Mike Lindell said he had proof. Where is it? Rudy Giuliani said he had proof. Where is it? Trump said he had proof. Where is it? There was absolutely nothing blocking them from sharing on air, in any number of interviews or news conferencing. They always said that they had proof and never, not once provided it to you, to me, to the media, nor in closed-door meetings with people like them. They did not and have not to this day provided proof of any kind to implicate Joe Biden. Nothing. Yet, here you stand, on this hill, dying of ignorance and pity. I pity you and others reading your comment pity you. Have you been watching the impeachment inquiry? If you have, then you know by now that they haven't any proof. The witnesses admitted they didn't have any proof. You are being lied to constantly and consistently and do you know why? They do not respect you or believe you are smart enough to realize you are being lied to, have been lied, and will continue to be lied to. They are right.