If this is how bad Biden will trash the economy when he knows he has another election ahead, imagine what he will do as a lame duck president.
The news media is and has been lying their butts off about Trump. He has his problems but to honestly say that Biden is a better president than Trump means you like it when people are unemployed. You like paying up 10 to 50% or more everything. You must thing that is what is called a booming economy. You must think that this is how Democrats help the poor. You must think the highest number of homeless people ever, after Biden took office, is a blessing on this nation. You must think how Biden got us out of Afghanistan is how we should always back out of all conflicts. Because Americans are all expendable so leaving them to face the Taliban was the right thing to do.
You must be really pathetic individuals to see tons of evidence about Biden's dealings through his son with China and Ukraine so they can buy influence into how our nation is to be run. And even more evidence that is just now coming out that has emails from an unknown email account in a fake name that Joe Biden, himself, uses, as president, to make deals with Ukraine.
You have to stick your head in the sand over the fact that for years Biden was removing classified documents from the archives and storing them in places like Hunter Biden's garage. But get all bent out of shape when one time Trump had some documents sent to his home in Mar-a-Lago.
Is this getting through to any of you brainwashed leftists? WAKE UP!!!!! Use that grey matter between your ears.
A vote for Biden is a vote for the total collapse of the US dollar. When the dollar is no good, then how you will you buy groceries?
He was sent to the White House by foreign money to do his part in collapsing the global economy. That is why he chose as his campaign slogan the slogan for the great reset, "Build Back Better". Because to Build Back you first have to destroy and that is exactly what Biden is doing.
If that type of destruction is what you want then I strongly encourage you to stop voting until you wake up. Either that or go find your socialist utopia in some other country. Say your goodbyes to your friends and loved ones and do your part in bringing down capitalism buy living in a country that forbids capitalism.
You clearly hate freedom, so leave. Don't sell out my freedom just because you would rather the government micromanage your life.