⭐️So here are the shoutouts!!⭐️
I wanna specially thanks the people here cuz they helped me a lot and they were great friends😎😎
• They_Call_Me_The_Lazy_Red_Panda, Existent, S.T.R.I.K.E._NEW and Meme_Making_Machine, for being my best friends on imgflip and always supporting and helping me with my memes. Not only that, but theyre one if the funniest and great to talk to people i know.🥳👍
• ZER0798 and VIEW., for helping me when there were hard times and i was feeling down, but also cuz they were great people to talk to and always supported me.🥹👍
•DekuMakesMemes, for being a great friend and for upvoting and supporting my memes in general, as well as being a very cool person to talk to.😎👍
• Ignited_Bonnie, for always upvoting my memes and being a cool friend.😃👍
• And how can i forget about MY REAL FRIENDS!!! They cant appear here cuz they dont have accounts but they also get special thanks cuz… i think you already know why.🫠👍
• Aaaaand last but not least, i wanna thank all my followers for just being there with me and upvoting my memes and, most importantly, GIVING ME POINTS.😆👍
So again, a BIIIIG thanks to everyone who helped me!🥳🥹😎😃🫠😆👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
⭐️And now, LETS PARTY!!⭐️