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The Natura Family

The Natura Family | The Natura Family; 20 years later... | made w/ Imgflip meme maker
59 views Made by Apocalypse_Birb 11 months ago in Imgflip-bossfights
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Mors was sitting on a bench outside on the beach while Mortalita was taking care of Life, small as always, Death was digging a hole while Nata was making a sand castle, Shi was just there, sleeping on the sand.

Mors was somewhat older, and he didn't take his Skeleton form for a while, Death also didn't use his skeleton form much.

Life was jumping around and Mortalita was trying to catch her.

Peace was 23 years old, sitting on the beach.

Death approached her and sat down next to her.

Death: So how's it going sis?

Peace: All good, I hope...

Death: Hey! What do you mean "I hope" just look around you!

Peace: Yeah i mean, I wish i could spend more time in the city...

Shi from a distance: Hey! You're still young!

Peace yelling back: I'm 23!

Shi: The hell do i care?

Death and Peace laugh, then look at the horizon, Death stands up and pats Peace on the shoulder, then walks back to his hole.

Peace looks at the horizon and smiles

The Next day...

Peace is walking down the stairs since her room is on the second floor.

Peace: Muuum! Where are my shoes!

Mortalita: Check under the table
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Peace: Thanks!

Peace walks out of the house

Mors is still on the bench, observing the horizon.

Peace walks on a path across the hill and reaches the city.
(Not sure of it's the citadel or something else)

Life: Mum, where did Peace go?

Mortalita: She is out in the city, don't worry she'll be back

Mors walks inside and sits on the couch, and falls asleep immediately.

Shi comes downstairs

Shi: God why do I have to wear this?!

Death comes downstairs in a tuxedo

Death: It's an important event! We gotta stay formal!

Shi: But why this!

Death: Don't argue with me! I didn't decide!

Both brothers say good morning to their mother and little sister and walk out

Life: Where are they going?

Mortalita: To an important event

Life: :0

Life went to her father which was on the couch

Life: Dad!


Life: Dad!!

Still nothing...

Life: DAD!!!

Welp he's sleeping like a dead...
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Life looked frustrated and walked back into the kitchen

Peace was in the city, looking around like if she saw everything for the first time

Jake: Hey!

Peace: Hey Jake!

Jake: Good morning!

Peace: Thanks, you too!

Peace and Jake walk to a cafe where they meet up with other people

Jake: Hey guys!

Max: Whatup

Amanda: Heya!

Peace: Hello guys!

Peace and Jake sat down with their friends, they talked and had breakfast

Meanwhile at the "important event" Death and Shi are attending...

Shi: So they are getting married? You could have told me earlier!

Death: Didn't want to ruin the suprise!

Shi: Wait that's...

Death: Yep that's Azrael


Death: Calm down, you didn't know?

Shi: No I-

Death: Shh it's starting
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Marriage starts, dont have time to say all of it

After everything...

Azrael: Hey isn't it my favourite Friends!

Shi: Yea-

Death: Congratulations! We are so happy for you!

Shi decided to stay silent, meanwhile Death and Azrael talked and chattered

In the city...

Max: So yeah! He just went full gas and jumped off the bridge! What a stupid guy

Amanda: Why would you purposely do that to yourself?

Jake: That guy must have been on something

All four laugh for a bit

Max: Gotta go, cya later

Max packs his stuff and walks out of the bar

Amanda: So are you two-?

Jake and Peace: Oh no no no-

Peace: Yea- We are not *nervous laugh*

Jake: Yeah! Erm why did you think of it?

Amanda: Aren't I the drama maker?

Amand walks out looking at Peace and Jake with a smirk

Peace looked frustrated about Amanda and Jake looked embarrassed

Meanwhile at home...
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Mortalita: Mors! Fix this thing!

Mors ran into the kitchen

Mors: What- Oh come on! I fixed the sink yesterday!

Mortalita: Maybe you should call a plumber instead of doing it yourself!

Mors: We don't need a plumber!

Mortalita: Yes we do!

The couple continued to argue while Life was looking at TV

At the marriage...

Death: So yeah that's the story!

Azrael: Wow didn't know that in 20 years so much could change! Oh i gotta go! My wife's needs help! Hehe!

Shi: Couldn't have made it more awkward

Death: Shut up

It's now 2PM

Peace and Jake were around the city just walking and looking at various stores

Peace: Wow! It got late!

Jake: Yeah we should go home...

Peace: See you later!

Peace was walking home when...

Jake: Peace!

Peace turned around to Jake

Jake: I-I... Erm....

Jake was embarrassed HARD, and blushing

Jake: Nothing!
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Jake waved bye and so did Peace

Jake: (Stupid stupid stupid, why did I just stop like that?)

Peace arrived home, Life was helping their mother to prepare the table

Death and Shi arrived shortly after

Death: Hey dad!

Mors: Yeah I know, tell Azrael later my congratulations and that i couldn't come, now I'm hungry

Mortalita: And what did you do all the morning?

Peace blushed a little

Peace: I hanged out with my friends!

Death: You still gotta do your homework for tomorrow!

Peace: ತ⁠_⁠ತ

The Family sat down and ate Lunch

After at 3PM Death went to work or whatever he does and Shi sat down with his father and watched random game shows on TV

At 5PM Mors brothers, Conquest War and Justice, showed up

Justice: Where is Peace?

Mortalita: She's upstairs

Justice went upstairs while War sat down with Mors and Shi and watched randon game shows

Conquest approached Mortalita but she immediately looked at him dead in the eyes and Conquest went away
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Justice knocking on Peace's room door: Hey Peace, it's me your uncle!

Peace ran across her room and opened the door

Peace: Uncle!!!

Peace hugged justice, since they didn't see each other for months

Peace: Why are you here?

Justice: A small present..

Justice hands over a box, Peace grabs it and opens it, it is a silver necklace with a dove on it

Peace: :D Thanks!!!

She puts it on

Peace: I love it!

Peace hugs Justice and Justice walks downstairs, then sits down on a chair and looks at the TV, random game shows...

Mortalita sighs and washes the dishes, once that done she goes in the bedroom and lays down to sleep

Conquest tries to sit down with the others but gets a kind swear instead...

Justice: Well time to go brothers!

War: I hope we eat chicken

Conquest walks out first then War and finally Justice

Mors and Shi just keep watching random game shows

It's now midnight
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Mors is sitting outside on a bench, and Shi, Mortalita and Peace are all asleep

Death finally comes home and Mors greats him, Death hugs him and they both get inside...

The End
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Little concept for Peace when she's 23
Created with the Imgflip Meme Generator
The Natura Family; 20 years later...