Holla_sheet/The_flamewar_vet is Cody (the "really young dude" referred to by someone else in the screenshot).
Since then, when he got bounced into Hell so bad his scrawny bottom still hurts, he's been obsessed with me.
In a "If you can't beat them, join them" way, he's been emulating me, using avatar/temps I had with the account I was using back then. He's also used variations on my profile names (ie Modda2 a few months ago). He's done this to dupe others into thinking he was my alt. He actually thinks this will make me like him and join up with him. He's harrassed individual memers while posing as me or invoking me, as in "He is coming for you." He's done this to who knows how many, even memers I liked and got along with.
Thus the situ with the meme, "I'm back." He very literally meant as the return of a dormant account of mine. That account , as you can see, was from a time we didn't get timers for evey little thing, hence him invoking it, because I used to tear them up with it,,,
He was doing what he had been doing for 4 yrs.