Is any part of this illegal?
Biden loses election, calls the election fake ( with no evidence), has a few states submit false electors, VP Harris confirms the fake electors and declares Biden the winner?
wont comment on fake electors? It cant be illegal, right? Good for VP Harris to pick the next POTUS? of course Biden will claim it was stolen, then pick some states to overturn and... Biden 4 more years!
I guess the pending GA indictment has your colon all bound up? Or is it that VP Harris will under the Constitution, pick the next POTUS? a little of both i bet
Diapered donnie would like you to increase your weekly donations, it seems his legal bills are stacking up...
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I would rather donate to a charity that actually doesn't keep my contributions for themselves and spend it on vast amounts of drugs and prostitutes like Hunter does
As for us repuggies
We are following the whole indictment situation very closely
Gee, i wasnt aware Hunter had a go fund me, a PAC or any other GRIFTING .. you are misconfused about your CULT45 leader who has used $40 million of donations on his legal fees. Do you donat to other Billionaires or just your CULT leader?
PS: I wont vote for Hunter in '24!
Hunter is being investigated but they really are coming after YOU!
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Boy are you totally out of the loop in events
Yes, they are investigating hunter but you are not hearing about it in the news
Same goes for his pappy too over secret government documents.
But mien fuer Trump is all over the mews about j6 and secret government documents
Now tell me this is not politically based to keep America in the shithole