Funny thing is, no they haven't. I -JUST- posted above this comment "Thank you." To someone else. How can that be a lie? How can a question be a lie? I think you're painting with a broad brush without giving any examples as to how they have been and how this is a recurrent problem. You've made your final judgement without even so much as confronting me about it.
You're the type of person who is convinced whether someone is innocent or guilty before the trial begins. Like... With Archer. You guys thought you had a smoking gun to once again implicate Hunter Biden with Joe Biden in some corrupt business scheme. That has had multiple testimonies under oath that there was no such corruption.
If you say they're a lie, that's fine. It's your opinion. If you want it to be made fact, catch me in the lie, show me out it's a lie. Then ask yourself what is a lie? It is a statement designed to intentionally mislead or otherwise obfuscate the truth. I don't lie when I am here unless it is about private information. Ain't no way I'd trust any RWNJ in the politics stream with my info... Which says a lot about them, if I'm honest.