The Limitless Defender uses the blunt side of the chainsaw to lift the Limitless Devourer's head up and the Limitless Devourer's Limitless beam hits the mothership's underbelly. Meanwhile in the mothership shakes and the guards get staggered, Collector pulls out the sword of creation, Hakai unsheathes her sword which is strangely not glowing, and Astra punches Apex in his face.
"GAH!" Apex said
Inkmatas, Eggy, Rizu, and Larry all run to get back to the Gotengo class warship, Collector kills the four guards, when suddenly Darth Tricera and Kuro had appeared in front of Collector. Meanwhile Astra pulled her spear out when Apex blasted Astra with an Kaiser laser. Hakai quickly blocked the strike with her sword and she angrily looked at Apex.
"You aren't harming my sister" Hakai said
Astra quickly ran away to get back to the Gotengo class warship, soon Captain Kiken unsheathed his katana and looked at Kuro. Collector faced Darth Tricera and Hakai faced Apex.
"How about you four take it outside of this room... I have buisness to finish" Hakai said
"Let's get going finishing this buisness then!" Apex laughed
Collector, Captian Kiken, Darth Tricera, and Kuro walked outside of the room to fight, and Hakai swung her sword at Apex. Meanwhile the Limitless Devourer whips it tail at the Limitless Defender, the Limitless Defender ducked under the tail, and suddenly was blasted in the face by the Limitless Devourer's Limitless beam. The Limitless Defender's eyes started to glow a bright red and suddenly a laser beam was shot out of it. The laser beam hit the Limitless Devourer and the Limitless Devourer stepped back in pain but not bleeding. The Limitless Defender ran at the Limitless Devourer and went to stab the Devourer. As the Limitless Defender was running at the Devourer, the Limitless Devourer's scales glowed, and the Limitless Defender's chainsaws were turned into arms. The Limitless Defender and Devourer soon collided again, the Limitless Defender grabbed the Devourer's hands and lifted the Devourer into the air.