I'm good at climbing so I'd climb a tree. now lets see. an average reptile can go for 14 days without food, but blue is prehistoric so not as adapted as a normal reptile so she wouldn't last as long without food. and humans can go 2 weeks and 2 days without food so I could fast her, but both of us need water so ye. I would walk slow and walk away and if she snarled and ran at me I would say her name and do "hand thing" (quoting Tuffnut) that Owen and Hiccup do to show her I'm nice. and if she attacked first I would try to ram her away from me(most likely lose). make sure she cant bite or cut me(most likely lose). jump on her and ride her(probably lose). jump on her and put her in a choke-hold until she goes lights out, then I would check if there was a pulse, if there wasn't I would TRY to do CPR(CPR only has 7% success rate)(probably lose). box her eye-ridge bc that's where you aim to make them lights out, then check if there was a pulse, if not CPR again(probably wont hit hard enough).