Nationalism is NOT a political ideology and never has been. What ideas for running a country comes out of nationalism.
That being said, the left in their hatred of America has decided to call patriots who love this country, nationalists. If you love freedom the left calls you a nationalist. That is just how you guys roll. You paint your opposition in the worst light possible. You call us Nazi and fascists and we are the polar opposite of fascism. You call us racists but we don't care about race, we care about the content of character. If a conservative is a Christian then you call us Christian nationalists.
Nothing of what you call the right is based on any facts. It is true that the Neo-Nazis recently left the Democrats and joined the Republican party but that makes absolutely no sense. I ran into a neo-nazi online several years ago. I didn't know he was a neo-nazi at first but in conversation he told me he was. I asked him why he wasn't a Democrat because all of his political beliefs were identical to the Democrat party. He couldn't answer that. Because I have lost any respect or confidence in the Democrat party leadership (I suppose I never really had any) because they have stooped so incredibly low, I would not at all be surprised if the Dems made some deal with the neo-nazis to have them switch parties. I think there are a lot of Republicans in Congress who are Democrats who switched parties and even campaigned sounding like a conservative but once they got elected they start voting with the Democrats.
If you guys can push a false narrative about Trump colluding with Russia and even impeach him based on this lie. If you can continue to push that narrative for over 2 years then you guys are capable of doing anything. Anything like steal an election.
Your whole party operates under the Saul Alinsky philosophy of "the ends justify the means". Which means do anything, regardless of how false, corrupt, illegal or evil it is, to make sure that you get what you want. Seeing that the Democrats have rejected God they also have rejected morality. Without morality there is corruption.