"Welcome to todays talk show... we have two special guests!!!" The host said
The camera faced Apex.
"We have the viral man himself, Apex!" The host said
"Hello everyone!" Apex said
Multiple girls in the crowd screeched in joy as they threw flowers on stage. The camera soon faced Hakai.
"And our second guest is the one who helped destroy the Inkperials, it's Hakai!" The host said
The crowd was silent but Hakai smiled it out.
"So why did you come here today Hakai and Apex!?!" The host said
"I just wanted to talk with the amazing Apex some more!" Hakai said
"Hah you can say that!" Apex said
Soon the talk show actually started.
"So Hakai... I've and I'm pretty sure some other people wondered if you are truly fully robotic or not" Apex said
"I am not fully robotic but if you need it then I'll give you proof" Hakai said
"I"d like to see said proof" Apex said
Hakai rolled down her sleeve to show actual human skin.
"Oh so you truly aren't fully robotic!" Apex said