The Man looks at all of them, Peyton wasn't impressed by his look, Kinyani was confused, Inkmatas looked away from him, and he looked at Hakai who was talking to Rizu.
"Ah looks like we have a rose colored beauty here!" The man said to Hakai
"H-huh?" Hakai said as she looked at the Man
Rizu looked at the man as well. The man walked up to Hakai and he suddenly pulled out a rose.
"Hello pretty I picked this rose for you because it matched your hair beautifully" The man said
Rizu glared at the man with a murderous intent. The man saw this but handed Hakai the rose.
"I... ummm... thanks?" Hakai anxiously said
"She’s mine" Rizu said as she quickly unsheathed Hakai's sword.
"Whoa there salty she’s just begging for me!" The man said
"I saved her life and you think you can take her from me!!!" Rizu angrily said
"But you don't look as stylish as me!" The man said
"What's even your name anyways?" Hakai said
"My name is too complicated for the human tongue so you can call me Apex" Apex said "and what's your name, red haired cutie"
"I'm Hakai" Hakai said
"Hakai... now that's a special name for a special girl!" Apex said
Hakai blushed a bit and Astra chuckled.
"I think someone loves you Sis!" Astra said