So If your like me you hate the sequel trilogy, and if your also like me you might have read Timothy zahn's heir to the empire and the rest of the Thrawn trilogy, widely regarded as the best Star Wars fanfic ever written and what most people accepted as THE sequels before disney's sequels came out. I'm sure some of you know Thrawn as thanks to Timothy Zahn the blue faced red eyed grand admiral. Well, I had inspiration for a meme, something to the effect of wishing the sequel trilogy movies were Timothy Zahn instead of Ryan Johnson and JJ Abrams. I stumbled upon info that Lucasfilm was in production of several new advancements, including Mando season 4 (always a pleasure), a Rey movie (yippie...), and a new movie from Jon Favreau the creator The Mandalorian, also known as Happy from Iron Man. The info on the movies existing is legit, but the exciting thing is that these movies might be based on Heir to the Empire is even more exciting, and EVEN MORE exciting is that Jon Favreau is writing it, considering he was the genius behind the Mandalorian. EVEN. MORE. EXCITING is that new cast will be hired for the young roles of most iconic characters such as Luke and Leia, as well as Alden Ehrenreich will be returning to play young Han Solo. Personally while I wasn't a fan of the Solo movie I thought Ehrenreich was fine in the role of Solo.
I hope your as excited as I am! I personally caution you READ HEIR TO THE EMPIRE! Even if the movie ends up being something completely different, your life will be all the better, and at least you'll know what Star Wars could have been, or will be!
teamsteam365 signing off, for now...