A strange figure manifests in front of the group.
Cata: that’s the figure I saw while I was dangling off the cliff!
Kenshin: …
Xander: Rea is that really you!?
The figure takes off her hood, it is Rea but something is different about her, the most obvious difference is that she is transparent, like a ghost, but her skin is covered in scars and where there should be color in her eyes is white.
Rea: ..yes it is my love…
Xander: but.. you’ve been dead for 18 years! How!?
Rea: now is not the time for that, we should leave the forest.
Kenshin: …mother?
Rea: k-Kenshin!? Is that you!?
Rea reaches towards where Kenshin’s voice came from, it seems that Rea is blind. Cataclysma walks towards Rea.
Rea: who is that walking towards me?
Cata: I-it’s me mother, Cataclysma.
Rea starts to tear up, her children are now grown up and she never got to see it happen.