Phase one: (Sword bleeding chance 10%; Bleeding deals 3 dmg each 5 seconds)
-5 swords and 3 crystals that strike in your direction; Can be dodged; Full attack: 23 dmg
-4 swords and one big sword that strikes across the middle; Can be dodged; Full attack: 26 dmg with chance of bleeding
-5 crystals; Can be dodged; Full attack: 13 dmg
-Melee attack, combo of 6 attacks; Cant be dodged; 25 dmg, chance of bleeding
-Melee attack, combo of 3 attacks with one final big one that be easily dodged; full attack: 16.5 dmg
Phase 2: (Sword bleeding chance 50%; Bleeding deals 5 dmg each 5 seconds)
-swords that follow you for 2 seconds, then another one follows, this for 10 swords, and 5 crystals and one big one at the end; If your stupid enough to not move, swords 5 dmg, crystals 7 dmg, big one 15 dmg
-10 crystals at he slams on you, needs to be dodged; each crystal: 4.5 dmg
-You trapped between swords and periodically swords appear and dash towards you; Can be dodged;
Swords 15 dmg
-Melee attack, combo of 10 attacks; Cant be dodged; Full attack: 30 dmg
-Melee attack, one big slam; Can be dodge; 20 dmg
-Bullet hell, a rare attack that is just a bullet hell of swords; Can be dodge; Each sword: 3.5 dmg
Phase 3: (Sword bleeding chance 100%; Bleeding deals 7 dmg each 3 seconds)
-15 swords that dash towards you with one big final one; Can be dodged; Each sword: 15 dmg
-Glowing exploding crystals that you might want to get away from as fast as possible; Can be dodged; Each glowing crystal: 30 dmg
-Bullet hell x2; Can be dodged; Each sword: 7 dmg
-Melee attack, combo of 15 attacks; The first attack can be dodged but you need fast reaction time; Full attack: 40 dmg
-Melee attack, combo of 6 attacks interrupted by crystals that slam in your face; Can't be dodged; Melee attacks: 7.5 dmg, Crystals: 4 dmg
-The Last Strike, cutscene attack, after this he gets tired, he grabs you and slams you into the ground, and stabs you and summons other 5 swords to stab you, then he teleports you in the air, and with one final strike, launches you into a wall; Can be dodged, but he wouldn't get tired; Damage: 60 dmg