I Love Lucy
This classic sitcom centers around the hilarious adventures, and misadventures, of Lucy Ricardo and her bandleader husband Ricky Ricardo.
Happy Days
Ayyyy! Flashback to simpler (and funnier) times with the 24/7 channel that brings you three classic sitcoms created by the legendary Garry Marshall: Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, and Mork & Mindy.
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‘I’m not used to seeing sex that kinky’:
Is The Idol the most shocking TV of the year?
2 June 2023
The critics have one thing right: The Idol is certainly seamy. There’s a voyeurism to the way Levinson shoots a lot of the sex scenes... Sometimes, the sex scenes are plainly embarrassing to watch.
The show’s vision of sex, for better or for worse, does chime with 2023’s “candidly kinky sexual climate”.