Read into everything I said. Read into biology, natural law, etc. What I said isn't bigotry.
Society has tried to change facts because of particular biases, as it views those who go outside the "monochrome" man-and-woman as people automatically worthy of praise. There's an LGBTQ bias distorting the views of many people on the basic concepts of natural law and biology. Those who try to protect these properties are immediately labeled as haters, bigots, homophobes, transphobes, etc.
Here's an excerpt from "A Catholic Dictionary" on Natural Law: "...if [a law] manifested by our own nature, it is called a natural law. Thus, man's reason teaches him that he may not steal, that he is forbidden to steal not merely bg a positive command od the decalpgue, but by am obligation manifested in his very nature. This 'natural law,' like the 'law of nature,' can be studied in its subjects. It is not necessarily shown by the uniformity of their behaviour, for man is free and his freedom is often abused to break the law. But it can be studied in his appetites and faculties. From them we can learn, not what a man is constrained to do, but what he ought to do. Both laws are a reflection of the original plan of the divine wisdom which co-ordinates all the elements of the universe for its per-fection, and which we call the 'eternal law.'"
Eternal Law, furthermore, is "The law of God directing the whole universe to its end, existing from all eternity in the divine mind as the correla-tive of creation, and comprehending all created things, rational and irrational, spiritual and physical, concerned as well with the properties of matter as with human acts."
And so, using Natural Law as a justification against the LGBTQ, one could say that one should not covet his neighbor's goods, that is, the very notion that he wants to "transition" into another "gender," something that is unnatural and not meant to be. Going back to the example shown earlier, just because a a man wants something, his desire does not justify his actions. Even if he merely coveted something, if it leads him further away from what is naturally just, then he should perish the thought.
If you have nothing else to say than that I'm being a bigot and making up facts, then leave. This is the Catholic stream. We're going to speak our minds against everything evil in this world. We're not going to prove ourselves superior, but stand for what God commands us to carry out.