Electroman Adventures: Hey Theory, where are you going?
Theory of Everything: I’m going to go see my sister’s piano performance
Electroman Adventures: Oh that’s nice is it in there?
Theory of Everything: yeah
Electroman Adventures: Y'know what I kinda want to watch it too let’s watch together
Theory of Everything: Oh, uhh thanks I guess.
(in theater)
Theory of Everything 2: (starts playing piano)
Electroman Adventures: That’s your sister? She’s very good
Theory of Everything: Yeah she is
Electroman Adventures: What’s her name?
Theory of Everything: Theory of Everything 2
Electroman Adventures: Very uncreative parents am I right?
Theory of Everything: yeah, I guess
Clutterfunk: (slams open door) HEY GUYS
Theory of Everything 2: leave.
Clutterfunk: Oh, uhhh sorry I was looking for Electroman, is he here?
Theory of Everything 2: No he isn’t, I don’t even know who he is
Clutterfunk: ok sorry for interrupting (closes door)
Electroman Adventures: :)