I’ve read that comment ten times and not once did I ever see anything related to calling you a ratio.
How dumb can you even be, Foxy? How’d you forget how to read that badly?
Are you actually fuсking serious? There’s no comma anywhere in there; not even before the word “ratio”.
How can you be American and not know the difference between with no comma and with comma?
Why I think you’re stupid is because apparently the word “ratio” is slang for your name.
I think posting all those Kion hate images plagued your brain a bit too hard.
I’ll dumb down this summary of a “ratio” to your level of comprehension:
A “ratio” is when someone calls out “ratio” to someone and gets more points than the person they called out “ratio” to.
I want umbridge to live, why? Dumbledore said do not pity the dead, petty the lying, and I feel sorry for her. but I also want to laugh in her face and torture her, then press the red button, lol