The official Preamble to the Declaration of war against the seagulls, as laid down by the founding father (JurassicParkFan102504) of the Official Society For Opposing Seagull Tyranny (O.S.F.O.S.T): "When In the course of human events, a seagull will violate our sacred laws, and invade our homes, our beaches and our picnics... It is therefore a recognized fact of nature that seagulls are a natural enemy of costal citizens. These creatures have no qualms about illegally seizing our food that we worked hard for. They attack our children with impunity and are genuinely annoying. It is my full intent, as it should be for everyone... To wage a war, however long, in protest to these vile birds. Rise up for justice and maybe our next generation will live in a world free of the tyranny of seagulls. Join O.S.F.O.S.T today."