I hate this site. I’m leaving if this continues. It was a funny thing to counter the f**king “Clarissa” copypasta. You ban me for it and not them or both of us? These site mods are retarded. I can’t believe I got two 8 hour bans in a row. You want me to leave and not be on the internet anymore? Im only on here now. I quit fandom like a month ago because I wasn’t active there anymore, and more active here. Can you just make me have a f**king break? I will delete my account and/or leave if this f**king “Clarissa” copypasta continues. Whoever started it, f**k you. You made me comment banned because all I did was make a parody of it. I want to let you know that you, site mods, are crossing the line. Goodbye if I get another comment ban.