And that's not all, if you are doing a pacifist, flowey will come out and attack Gaster, now you have a choice, attack flowey or attack Gaster, both will cause a neutral ending, to get true pacifist you gotta go back to the lab and put the code the shadow gave you after the credits scene, and enter the basement, inside find the Used Hand, and go back fighting random sassy amalgamates, when fighting Gaster, equip the Used Hand, Gaster will be confused and will not attack you, make sure to do this in your first turn, and well the rest is w.i.p.
Here's genocide, kill asriel, ok ok, encounter the human, which in this case fights you but you kill him, then encounter The Savior, remember his soul dosent get destroyed, kill the sassy ghosts, and reach the final bridge.
Here, you'll encounter the Savior, his soul will be floating, but his body reappears shortly after, this is the first phase, takes 6 turns to kill him, but the human soul from before comes into the scene, and the Saviour's soul turns yellow, then after killing him again, he will say: "Even with the power of Justice, it wasn't enough?..." *The monster soul shatters*
"You forgot i am half human!!" He absorbs the human soul, and now phase 3, all should take you 3 weeks to complete cause it's hella hard
When you get to Gaster, he will look at you and try to fight you, but the ui becomes black, and a textbox appears with the shadowy figure, saying: Let me take care of this
He oneshots him and then proceeds to crawling back out of you, he says you were a great partner, but then the 7 souls appear and he absorbs them, then the game cuts to the credits, this is a genocide run, but you can do a True Genocide, by playing again but equipping and finding the Used Hand, after that when you see him absorbing the souls again, a fight button will appear and if you press, you'll enter a fight, and then only then the silhouette transforms into Chara, now you fight chara, the second hardest boss