"CUBErt" is a song by System of a Down from their self-titled debut album, released in 1998. Here are the lyrics to the song:
'Cigaro, cigaro, cigar'
Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy
Psycho, groupie, coke, makes you high, makes you hide
Makes you really want to go, "Stop"
Please don't go on me
(Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy)
Please don't go on me
(Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy)
You want them
To go away
Then, drop by
Then, drop by
[Verse 2]
'Cigaro, cigaro, cigar'
Tattooed city, see that you're wicked
Tattooed city, right on your sleeve
Tattooed city, we've got your spirit
Please don't go on me
(Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy)
Please don't go on me
(Psycho, groupie, cocaine, crazy)
You want them
To go away
Then, drop by
Then, drop by
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