be respectful.
if they insult you, take your time to come up with a smart reply. then post said insult + reply.
make good post. I recommend studding the front page or MSMG school if you struggle. but MAKE A COMMON THEME. for me its easy, half my posts might be glaceon or Australian/school related.
comment a lot but not so much that it's annoying. this is so people know you and actually get to know you like a mate. people don't tend to bully their friends unless it's friendly bater.
if someone follows you, follow them back.
if the stream has an opinion, either agree or avoid/don't mention it.
If YOU, make a good meme, save it and repost it in about 2 months or more.
have an announcement template. even if you rarely use it. this will make you seem more in line with MSMG, and appear actually human if you do use it.
any questions?