A few hours a ago I heard (what sounded like) an adult male screaming “No” multiple times and “Why the [idk what] did you do that [inaudible]!?!?”. It sounded like it was a house or 2 away from mine and I’m genuinely scared for my safety, the person who he was yelling at safety’s and my streets safety.
I think I know the man who was yelling (said hello to him while on walks before) and I know he has taken karate in the past and goes to the gym regularly so-
idk want to do bc I can’t really call the police bc idk what house the noise was coming from and idk if it was just a fight or what. Any ideas??
*lock all doors and windows
*read or draw, take a shower, do something relaxing to help your nerves
(idk time for you but-)
*if you cant sleep, try listening to music
*if they start getting to close, call the police.
all very good ideas thanks
After I heard him screaming I made sure all the doors and windows in my house were locked, I tired calming myself done and I kept and eye out of my street in case I saw anything/anyone