TW: s**c*de, s/h
So i’ve attempted suicide five times now and i have a few very close friends who know about it.
Today, one of them ratted on me about it to one of the school counselors, who whipped around and told my parents. (Quick side note: i have a therapist and have been working up the courage to tell my parents about the attempts)
So i get home from school (i didn’t know about the snitching yet) and my dad was absolutely pissed and wouldn’t tell me why and he took my phone. He said we would talk when my mom got home. So i paced about for an hour and then she got home and they talked and then i was told to come downstairs and talk to them.
The first thing they had me do was take off my hoodie.
I do not take off my hoodie, ever.
So I did and then they started inspecting my arms for cuts and then I cottoned on. They had looked through all my text messages and found it all out and they were really mad i didn’t tell them and they gave me my phone back but took away all of my tools and stuff and i’m not allowed to have my door closed unless i’m in bed and none of my friends will admit to telling them.