Well, I can't help you there. Some are able to hold two thoughts at once. Your inability to understand is your own mystery. One suggestion might be to research, read and reflect.
If your point is to funnel people myopically into the rabbit hole of Article 1 section 8 clause 15 and 16 only, and make the leap to state that this is meant to define the language within the 2nd amendment is a leap of faith, and somehow that's your trump card to ignore piles of case law over nearly 2 centuries, that has established the U.S. Supreme Courts' long history of their interpretation of the 2A, which over time supports an individual right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear, for the ability to self defend and enforce the 3A,4A against Tyrants.
The 2A does not state: A well regulated miltia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the "militia" to keep and bear.... etc. etc. etc.
300 million defense mechanisms, legs and arms, are individual property legally and lawfully owned by individual PEOPLE
There are several other problems with the myopic vision narrowing focus on Article 1 section 8 clause 15 and 16 and that is that it was written in 1789. Anyone with any basic acquaintance with the BILL OF RIGHTS, understands that the 1789 Constitution replacing the 1783 Articles of Confederation, is aware that the Bill of Rights was written by VIRGINIANS to ensure individual rights, or they would not ratify, which they did upon the first 10 amendments inclusion in 1791. Which came first, your cited Article or the Bill of Rights. Sequential order and ratification matters, especially when the whole premise is anchored upon the equivocation of your clauses with the 2A. The 2A is an answer to those clauses, clarifying individual persons as PEOPLE.
Effectively, the 2A became ratified 2 years after your myopic segment was written, and the word PEOPLE may have been placed in there to establish that individual right was necessary to ward off the very statism and power you solely wish to grant a standing army, err militia.
An additional problem with your memes supreme logic, is nearby in Article 1 section 8 clause 11 .
Eisenhower's noted Military Industrial Complex could be resolved tomorrow, if the current army was defunded and dismantled every 2 years, would it not?
I do appreciate the opportunity to address, discuss, and provide rebuttal to your meme.
Thanks for keeping the comments on While I disagree with your meme, I like the debate.