Hey, hey... there is no need to panic, it's okay.
What is your religion? I'm assuming Christian?
If you truly believe in Hell and God, the simple answer is: don't date someone of the same sex. In Christianity, the sexual act is a sin, not attraction. And, if you want to get technical, romantic relationships aren't explicitly forbidden either. So if you were to be in a homo relationship but not have sex, you technically wouldn't be committing a sin.
Honey, you won't go to hell for one sin anyway, especially one as minor as that. You didn't kill anyone or anything, you're just figuring things out.
Don't panic, because you are still figuring it out. Is this the first time you've considered it, or have you been pondering it for a while? If this is your first realization, I'd suggest asking yourself questions and really thinking about it. Do you have a crush? Would you actually want to kiss them? Do you just think they're pretty?
God is love, and forgiveness. He won't have you tortured for eternity, he wants everyone to come to be with him. He's not going to condemn you, I promise.
The LGBTQ community is very welcoming, and we are happy to help you if you need it. You don't have to "pray the gay away," but if you'd rather stay closeted for the time being, that's fine too.
If you have any specifics, tell me, and I'll see if I can help you out. I've had a long journey and have used many different labels as I've learned and grown. I can help you to avoid mistake's that I've made.
Just remember, you'll always have friends here