K so the eradicator squad at ts max has 5 troops and a sergant. well one of their abilitys is total abliteration witch if you target only one thing you can shoot twise in that phase. They can do d6 plus 4 damage at half range witch would be 12"(plus 2 at regular range witch is 24"). Then the iron hands have an 1 cp ability that every time you wound on a six it counts as damageing twice so their base heavy melta rifle is multiplyed by 2 by total obliteration so its 12 then multiply that again if you had all 6's on you wound rolls you would get 24 then multiply that by 6 (because heavy melta rifle is d6 plus 2 its plus 4 if you are at half range) you get 240 damage. this is if you had the best poible outcome but a warlord has 120 hit points so best posible outcome you get it TWICE over (just haveing 3 models and geting the best outcome would still alow you to one shot it but scrapeing by).
p.s.(btw they have a -4 ap I bring the -4 to a -5 up with devistator doctrine and I can keep that doctrine the entire game because of iron hands rules).