there is a deeper meaning as to why this happens, but i should warn you, it is VERY dark. The following text is encoded, with the way to decode being fairly easy. It contains topics of self-harm, so if that triggers you, please do not translate it. scroll past. for those of you who stick around, search up caesar cipher, and set the shift to 7 in a decoding tool. here's the text:
Dlss, fvb ayhuzshalk aol alea. Mpuhs dhyupun. Hsypnoa, olyl dl nv. Zlsm ohyt. Uva h nylha avwpj. Tvza wlvwsl ruvd paz ihk, iba fvb lcly dvukly dof wlvwsl kv pa? Pa'z iljhbzl aolf zvyah nla h ybzo myvt aol whpu. Pa iljvtlz hkkpjapun. Aol iybpzl aopun pz aol zhtl vu h tbjo zthssly zjhsl. Huk pa kvlzu'a obya tbjo, zv pa'z wlymljasf mpul. Iba, hivba aol hkkpjapun aopun, zlsm ohyt iljvtlz tbjo tvyl zlypvbz dolu aoha ybzo ilnpuz av kpzhwwlhy, huk fvb zahya ohytpun tvyl ha vujl. Pa pzu'a wylaaf. Iba, uvd fvb ruvd aol kllwly tlhupun. Pm fvb kvu'a sprl pa, yltltily, fvb dlyl dhyulk.