Are you on crack? The ONLY religion that is being forced on people is liberal fascism. There is no such thing as "Christofascism". It does not now, nor will it ever exist. It cannot exist. The days of the Catholic Church controlling who can read the Bible is long over. After that everyone can clearly see that Jesus never taught by force.
In fact the reason he was crucified was because many of his followers became dismayed because he wasn't going to overthrow Rome or drive Herod out of power, so they turned on Him.
You militant atheists have successfully pushed Christianity into a corner with all of your propaganda about "Christofascism". You have taken the moral direction that once guided this nation to greatness away. Without morals there can be no freedom. Without freedom there can be no morals. Without both there can be no prosperity, innovation, advancements, new technology, etc. You have killed the goose that laid the golden eggs with your blind hatred of things you know nothing about.