Research log: rift alternates
During the rift three beings were discovered that seem to be almost like weird replicas of known individuals
Two are destroyed/removed and the third is friendly and here
These alternates range from opposite in color,behavior,and appearance but some look like distortions.
The aggression varies such as the one we will interview here the alternate of Bob only has as much aggression as his counterpart
As for the other two they are highly aggressive but have since been defeated
This seems to be a trait with most humanoid rift creatures that makes them less aggressive as some exo imp are currently working alongside other species
And lastly we wish to see if anyone would be willing to go on an exo space mission as it’s danger has decreased 68% after the battle
—shaderia research team
Well, as a wise green tiger from the Netflix reboot of a popular 80s cartoon once said, "defeated and destroyed are two very different things."
Inverse Montie teleported to another dimension, wounded but still alive.