Jumping the gun there a bit, aren’t you? Though, I suppose because I’m questioning Republicans you must believe I must be mentally-impaired. Honestly, I’d argue the opposite.
The problem with adjudication (which is a good step, is that it mostly applies to anyone who already has a criminal record. As well as those found not guilty for insanity or too incompetent to stand trial, or involuntarily committed) is that it’s not preventative but rather a treatment.
Or as anti-vaxxers might call… ineffective.
Any person with a criminal record is prevented from having a gun. All the law does is add that the defense of not guilty by insanity or mentally incompetent to the list of banned, for life, from gun ownership unless otherwise granted, usually by recommendation by law enforcement, by the governor or state, the same for any criminal.
The most alarming aspect of the law is that it claims that any person who cannot handle their own personal affairs SHOULD be barred from owning a gun which is not due process. Which appears to be your position.
However, from what I’ve gathered, is that being unable to purchase a firearm with your own money is the only requirement that is at all preventable. Which, I’d argue, isn’t really all that effective either. Most people aren’t going to sell you a gun you can’t purchase yourself. Steal your guardian’s cash or (assuming you have the same name or authorization) credit card and you’re A-okay!
A person taking medication for treatment of mental illness, or having been diagnosed with a mental illness, or has voluntarily admitted themself for psychiatric treatment is allowed to purchase a gun.
Now, here is where it gets complicated. What Republicans ought to be seeking is less regulation of guns. Yes, less. That the barring of gun purchasing and ownership should come with an expiration date depending on the level of the crime or reason they were ever prevented from gun purchase or ownership.
Ideally, this is the solution by enacting regulation that expands into the group that Republicans want to blame for gun violence while also counteracting the current system which usually only favors public servants or government employees rather than private citizens.
Citizens who may one day be arrested for, I dunno, unlawful trespass and possession of a firearm, or arrested for… let’s say… disorderly assembly.
Might put a damper on that revolution Republicans want if another Democrat gets into that White House.