Watching and Dreaming Predictions; Raeda moments; Collector Redemption; Another lumity kiss; Someone (hopefully belos) dies; Huntlow moments; Luz can travel between realms; Evelyn is a Clawthorne; Caleb voice reveal; Luz, Eda, and King reunite; more Wittebros backstory; Hunter does more magic; Coven Head's Palismen; Lumity "I love you"; More Stringbean content; Someone Cries; Opening theme leitmotif/reprise; Odalia dies or permanently becomes a puppet; Eda breaks Raine from belos's possession; Epic Final Battle Music; Smooth animation for final battle; Ending theme leitmotif/reprise; "Us weirdos have to stick together"; Veesha moments (in a timeskip probably); Someone adopts Hunter; Mama Camila moments