I’m a white guy and don’t recall ever getting any 𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒂𝒍 treatment because I’m white.
Ive worked just as hard as anyone else. The white privilege thing is such a joke. As if we don’t have to work like everyone else. Paaaaalease.
I have been passed up for a job because they needed to fill a quota tho. They even told me I didn’t get the job because of affirmative action.
Gotta love reverse engineering racism.
If we could “all just get along” and drop all these politically programmed divisive ideas injected into schools and by way of tv and media that keep us seemingly separate that’d be great.
We all constantly hear “racism, racism, racism is everywhere.”
Really? I don’t know 1 single racist person.
It’s all propaganda used to control people. It’s stupid.