I started to make a serious comment, but then I realized this might be a psyop to get ideas on how to sell a fake alien invasion. One of those "conspiracies" that goes back to the crazy ideas of the 1950s+ like Operation Northwoods, Operation Mockingbird, MKUltra, The Tuskeege Experiment, and all the other things the US government actually did that people said were just conspiracy theories at the time. But I'll also say that when US Navy fighter pilots are commenting on how an object seems to be defying the laws of physics in its speed and movement, I'm pretty sure it's not something man-made. Maybe Skynet if your insecurities are so deep that you want to believe humans are alone in the universe. Beyond that, this "meme" would just be a semantics argument using an ad-hominem attack, which would just be pathetic. Trying to give you the benefit of a doubt.