Maybe, but theories like calling climate change a "myth", covid denial, the rain conspiracy, and other theories. I'll send you the list of theories on memechat...
In the 70's global cooling was gonna kill us all.
In the 90's "the hole in the ozone layer" was gonna toast the planet by the year 2000.
In the 00's New York City was gonna be under water by 2012 because of "global warming"
In the 10's we had only 10 years left to stop climate change
In the 20's the only hope for mankind is to send trillions to China for electric cars that incidentally produce more co2 than gas cars since it requires more energy to charge a battery to travel one mile than energy to drive one mile on a combustion engine (energy is lost every time it converts form: charging a battery requires you to convert energy from natural gas to heat to electricity to stored DC energy to actually kinetic energy with a motor.)
So the only reason climate change isn't debunked is because we all pretend to have 10 year memories...