No, the Nazis were not Pagans. They saw the church's influence as an obstacle to taking absolute control, & thus distanced from it. Yet the holocaust was the logical conclusion of the pogroms which Christians had been subjecting Jews to for centuries. Was there ever conflict between European Jews & Pagans? It's just like how they called themselves "socialist," while imprisoning & exterminating the real socialists. (Even before they got around to the Jews.); Their superficial references to mythology
& symbolism were often wrong. The behavior of Nazis was less like the traditional Nordic heroes, & more like the arrogant Gods who ended up dooming themselves. Also, neo-nazis took a rune which they thought meant "life" & inverted it. Except that
rune actually means "elk." So instead of turning "life"
into "death," they just turned an animal upside down. 🙃