1. Not give up your appointment of being a congressperson.
2. Be appointed by a major stream with at least 50 followers from either a stream mod or a stream owner (I recommend the owner is the one to talk to but mod is fine).
3. Government streams such as Imgflip_Presidents and Imgflip_DMV cannot appoint users to be senators.
4. The Vice President can only announce the appointment of the senators, to which OlympianProduct does not allow memechat empire to be involved within the appointment of senators, you must be appointed through comments on the stream you wish to be appointed or otherwise talking to the moderator you wish to speak to that runs the stream you wish to represent.
5. If you already mod or own a major stream with 50+ followers, you can self appoint yourself as a senator, providing the stream is big enough and/or if you're unable to be appointed by a stream mod/owner.
6. I as the Head of Senate cannot announce your appointments of joining the senate as we need to abide by the Constitution...
Article 6: Senate
Section 1: The Senate shall be formed of at least 15 members. Anyone is welcome to join the Senate if they so wish as long as they have their paperwork in order, have obtained a free voter ID from the Imgflip DMV, and have been elected or appointed by a stream to represent them. No government stream including IMGFLIP_PRESIDENTS, political party stream, or stream that provides a service to PRESIDENTS such as IMGFLIP_BANK or IMGFLIP_DMV may appoint a Senator.
7. Finally and most importantly, users that want to be a senator, must abide by the CAESCS amendment... People just trying to join the stream