There did used to be a downvote counter. I’m assuming that they either removed it for being useless (to save costs maybe) or because someone claimed it caused psychological damage.
We need a down vote counter, I know this topic has been briefly touched every here and there but I feel like this is something that should seriously be added, I mean think about it what is the downvote Button actually serving, it doesn't really serve anything, I understand that it gives you points for down voting but so does upvoting they are basically the same thing, except the upvote actually has a counter, mean while the downvote button is basically an invisible middle finger, I can understand why they wouldn't add it (it Hurts feelings) but you guys added the downvote button so you probably should add a counter as well just like the upvote button, I'm not saying you HAVE TO add a downvote counter BUT you should at least think about it. Cause what's the purpose of a downvote button if no one including the guy who made the post can see it, that's kinda dumb. So all I ask is for some kind of downvote counter to be added, maybe have it to where only the person who made the post can see it. Idk just give it a thought