I am a Bible scholar and you certainly are not. Isaiah 14 is about a man and the man is Nebuchadnezzar who is being compared to the climbing of the planet Venus into the sky and then the subsequent fall from heaven (the sky) as it becomes the morning star. That's why modern Bible say in Isaiah 14:12, how you have fallen from heaven oh morning Star son of the dawn. And the word Lucifer is Latin for the planet Venus dummy ... Ezekiel 28 is about the king of Tyre and it even says so. Also Isaiah 14 says "is this the man who caused the Earth to tremble". There is no f*cking devil the word Satan is a Semitic word simply meaning adversary accuser competitor.. nowhere in the Bible does it say Satan was an angel and the word angel in Greek and Hebrew only means messenger. Nowhere in the Bible does an angel have wings. Seraphim is fire. Cherubim is a plural of weapons. And God placed the Cherubim at the gate with a flaming sword that turned every way. In John 8:44 Jesus is telling the Jews that their father is Yahweh the liar and the murderer from the beginning. If you read Genesis 3 the serpent did not lie to eve. The god-figure did.
Your God has 2,476,633 recorded kills not including the flood or Sodom and gomorrah. In the first two pages of the book of Job Satan working for your murderous God somehow made the wind blow and killed jobs 10 children. That's it! 10 kills versus two and a half million kills not including the numbers from the two deicides called Noah's flood and the nuking of Sodom and Gomorrah. You would know all this had you ever read the entire bible. People like you are what's wrong with this effed up planet.