The Rune Wolves, also know as the Sons of Lakkan, are a 4th founding successor chapter of the Space Wolves, and possess all of the unique traditions and genetic traits that entails. However, unlike the majority of their gene-brethren, the Rune Wolves deviate from the savage brutality for which the 6th legion was famous. Instead, they have mastered the use of rune magic, and this is the basis of their particular style of warfare. They have so perfected the use of runes that defeat has struck them on only a few occasions, as the Sons of Lakkan are nearly infallible in their ability to predict the enemy's next move. It is this precognitive skill that forms the core of the Rune Wolves' pride, which has the unfortunate side effect of making them unwilling to accept any information that contradicts their predictions. Additionally, Rune Wolves often make a point of reading the future of prominent individuals with whom they are expected to work, and the outcome of this reading is usually what colors their attitude towards said individuals.