Speaking of time travel, h!tler and history, I recently learned about paradoxes. (A paradox is a statement that goes against common sense but may still be true) One really cool form of a paradox is called the grandfather paradox. Imagine that you are H!tler's grandson. you learn about all the terrible things that he did and decide to build a time machine to go back in time and kill h!tler. You succeed and end up killing h!tler. Well, now we have a problem. You're a murderer, but more importantly, you aren't alive anymore. (Breakdown if you don't understand how we got there: h!tler has to have one of your parents to have you, but now h!tler is dead so your parents aren't alive anymore, thus you aren't) "Well," you think, "I don't have to KILL h!tler, I can simply not have in ever come into existence! I'm such a genius." so you kill H!tler's parents. and then H!tler's grandparents. and H!tler's great-grandparents. now you just fell into a rabbit hole. and you end up killing the very first cell. but you didn't. you aren't alive. So who killed h!tler? Not you, of course. you aren't alive. It may seem logical to say h!tler died of natural causes, but don't forget, you killed the very first cell. the very first living thing. that couldn't have died of natural causes, could it? no. It couldn't have.
When writing this, I noticed another paradox come up. I'm not sure if this one has a name, But I'll explain it. Is life pre-set and are we stuck in an endless loop? Because when I wrote that you just killed h!tlers parents to not have him exist in the first place, that suggested the paradox I noticed. Because there is a chance that h!tler will just re-appear again if you don't kill hitlers parents. and h!tlers parents will re-appear if you don't kill h!tlers grandparents. And if you don't kill the very first cell, no life will appear in the first place. solving the problem. Kind of. So that begs the question: are we living in an endless loop, and perhaps a paradox? Or a paradox in another paradox like the two I mentioned here?
Like I said, a paradox is something that goes against common sense but may still be true.