So, you're cool with the people behind this propaganda using The Lord & Savior Of The World, to
justify Open Borders for other nations Convicts, by playing on peoples emotions for women and children? This is what this ad campaign shamelessly does.
Not that that is why it's a problem for AOC. That's a separate issue.
Is this meme resoundingly endorsing the JesusGetsUs marketing machine?
Maybe where Jesus is going to get us, is as important as that He 'gets us'
This deception game does not appear to be of Jesus.
If it were, it would not be using deception to get the point across.
Otherwise, the organization behind paying money for these advertisements would be out in the open as to who they are, and not vague about their agenda, whose goals may be in vain.
Saying Jesus Gets Us is akin to saying Black Lives Matter. These statements to Christians, are unarguable universal truths. The danger is in the statements being used by people with money, to divide people by chastising them, and to get 'change' for change-sake.
To make America become a Marxist change/state.
This is their own vague website:
Maybe the ad campaign is a Targeted "misinformation weapon" being used against followers of Christ.
What's next?
Moses gets us?
Abraham Gets Us?
Adam & Eve Gets Us?
The Middle East Gets Us?
Buddha Gets Us?
Ghandi Gets Us?
Vishnu Gets Us?
Darwin Gets Us?