No, it wouldn't. Humans are so flawed and diverse that it's impossible to please everyone. Nothing we could do would "unite" humanity, but the only thing that could help is building bridges. Building bridges is not done by emotionally or politically-driven ideologies either. Not political correctness, not echo chambers, not by obnoxious or violent activism, and not by creating identities or groups. It's by finding common interests and working together. It can be in the simplest ways, like movies, games, memes, sports, food, etc.
The easiest way to start building bridges is to stop watching the news and social media that tries to keep you scared and angry. They profit from attention, and no one wants to tune-in to stuff that won't shock them, even if they must poke a bear to take a picture while it's angry. That's why all you hear about is discrimination, acceptance, or Trump.