I'm a Christian, and I would be very disturbed if someone posted a pic of someone burning a bible, or told me that the bible was "fairy tales"! But I wouldn't try to start anything or tell someone that they are going to burn in hell, because that will only make the problem worse and it will cause people to not like Christians or God.
The Bible does actually address this topic, and I can sum it up like this:
It doesn't say "thou shall aggressively shout at people (especially furries) that they are going to burn in hell".
It says this:
1. EVERYONE is a sinner, Christians and non-Christians. Those who say otherwise are lying.
2. Jesus came down to Earth, lived a sinless life because we couldn't, he died on the cross and rose on the 3rd day
3. God gave the world Jesus because he loves us, and whoever accepts Jesus will have everlasting life
4. God gave us the freewill to accept Jesus, or not. Keep in mind : You do reap what you sow.
5. Christians should preach the gospel and not be ashamed, but if someone doesn’t want to listen, don’t keep preaching to them.
I hope this explains stuff :)