It's all by design. If the globalists weren't always stirring things up, the world would actually be a more calm place. They are constantly pitting people against each other, black against white, poor against rich, women against men, youth against maturity, muslim against everyone, slackers against producers, democrats against republicans- everyone is always oppressed by someone else and the only real oppressors are the globalists. Ukraine provides a significant percentage of the food for Europe, war impacts that production. The Netherlands produces a significant percentage of the food for Europe and globalists have crushed the production of over 3000 of the most productive farms. Canada and the US produce tremendous amounts of food for the world, and globalist manipulations have reduced availabilty of fertilizers and have driven the cost of fuel through the roof. Gasoline prices have dropped to anesthesize the masses, but diesel, which used to be considered a waste byproduct of oil refining (years ago) is still hovering near $5/gallon. Over 50 million chickens were slaughtered to "prevent" an outbreak of Asian bird flu. Over 125 food processing plants have literally burned to the ground in the US alone in the past 18 months (purely coincidence of course- happens all the time just like professional athletes dropping dead on the playing field, nothing has changed, it has always been like this, right?). The disruptions of the supply chain are not due to natural forces but by manipulation of central planners. Starving people are easy to control, even easier to pile in mass graves to achieve their "sustainable" poplulation goal of 500 million people worldwide.
COVID was a dry run. When my career in oil and gas was destroyed by the Obama admin I drove truck over the road and was designated an essential employee. We delivered everything to food processors but cans, which were declared non-essential. Dairy products plants could not get containers for product and ground to a halt. Even us "retarded" truckers smelled that Harvard graduate turd and everyone I encountered was calling BS.