--SurlyKong69: Okay. So we have a tied election for Head of Congress. You know what? Despite all our disagreements, instead of going through the whole burdensome constitutional path of a congress vote, how about for the good of the stream we compromise: you just give us an extra Congress seat, I concede, and we call it even.
--BritishMormon: Okay.
U.S. Congress today:
--That was my pithy summation of what happened on the U.S. House floor today. For the real ins-and-outs, read an article, I suppose.
--All this will end some way in the selection of somebody for House Speaker, since there is literally no other option (no business of government can be gaveled in without a Speaker presiding), but we're already in fairly uncharted waters, as nothing this chaotic has happened regarding the selection of a House Speaker in 100 years.
The paths forward are, broadly speaking, as follows:
1. The hard-right GOP opposition to McCarthy caves, withdraws its objections, and votes for him after all.
2. McCarthy caves a bit, giving into some more demands of this hard-right faction, and finally wins them over.
3. McCarthy caves completely, withdraws from the Speaker race entirely, and the Republicans manage to unite around someone else.
4. Moderate Republicans say "to hell with all of this" and work with Democrats to elect a "unity" Speaker candidate acceptable to both sides.
I can't possibly predict where all this will end up, but it sure is entertaining!